Alice Micro Dose Capsules – Cosmos (6000mg)
Alice Cosmos Micro Dose Capsules are an excellent way to begin using psilocybin into your daily routine. You’re giving your mind and body the support they need to make your day brighter and more positive by eating nothing but genuine Golden Teacher mushrooms.
Shroom capsules offer your body an amazing boost!
Experience Various Health And Mental Benefits That Can Give You One Spark A Day
Small doses of psilocybin are delivered into your system through micro-dosing; these doses are insufficient for you to experience a high, but they do provide a sense of peace, mental clarity, increased sentiments of compassion and gratitude, as well as a more upbeat and cheerful outlook. Additionally, microdosing lowers anxiety and despair while increasing creativity and attentiveness.
These edible mushrooms can provide you with the following benefits:
● Enhanced attention, focus, and awareness
● Enhanced alertness, vigilance, and stimulation
● Benefits to the brain, such as improved problem solving
● Social advantages
● Anxiousness was lessened
● Creativity
● Symptoms such as stress are lessened.
● Increased attitude, happiness, and gratitude for life
Experience the effects of shroom capsules made with Golden Teacher
Golden Teacher Mushrooms Can Give You A Trip For Improved Energy And Self-Discovery
Microdosing has a different purpose than regular psychedelic or hallucinogenic chemical use. Many individuals use shroom edibles in high dosages for self-discovery, enjoyment, or spiritual reasons. Microdosers, on the other hand, use these dosages to increase their well-being or to improve their emotional or mental condition. Many individuals do not perceive the effects at these low doses in the same way as they would on a psychedelic trip. Many people believe the sensation has nothing to do with psychedelics.
Discover how convenient shroom capsules are for microdosing
Microdosing Brings The Best Out Of Your Trip, So You’re Not Over-Doing It
Microdosing is a relatively new phenomena that entails ingesting extremely tiny dosages of psychedelic hallucinogens or other substances. Importantly, this is a very low dose of the Golden Teacher mushrooms, insufficient to cause a “trip” or the hallucinations commonly associated with these substances. A precise definition of a microdose, according to research published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, is a drug dose that is less than 1% of the active dose.
Note: Take one capsule 2-3 times a week to get the best results. While microdosing usually has no immediate effects, we recommend that you expect modest alterations. If you use it too regularly, you may develop a greater tolerance. If you’re taking any other drugs, be sure they won’t interact negatively with the psilocybin.
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